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10 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds Science-Based

Chia seeds are considered the healthiest food on the earth. Chia seeds are black small-sized seeds from mint-like plants (Salvia hispanica) which are rich in nutrients and have medical Importance. Chia seeds have several health benefits they are good for the heart and brain as they contain omega 3 fatty acids which increase HDL (good cholesterol) in our body and reduce the risk of Myocardial infarction and stroke.

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

They also contain an immense amount of high-quality protein, fibers, calcium, iron, and antioxidants. Many studies suggest that they improve the digestive system and blood supply of the heart.

Chia seeds have not seen any anti-nutritional and anti-allergic and toxic effects on human health.

Some studies reported that Chia seeds also improve the immune system, reduce and prevent stress, epilepsy, prevent many chronic diseases (cancer, etc), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease, promote healthy skin, stronger bones, and muscles.

The use of chia seeds during pregnancy plays an important role in the retina and brain development of the fetus. [1, 2].

High-Quality Protein:

Chia seeds contain 19% of protein and so chia seeds are a good source of proteins. Chia seeds have a good absorbable ability and also have good water holding capacity and contribute to weight loss and fat digestion

. The proteins in chia seed helps to reduce food intake and appetite. Chia seeds contain 20 types of proteins 8 of which are responsible for lipid storage and production of lipid and 12 of which are necessary for cell division, metabolism of chia seeds. Due to the water holding capacity, they are also used in baked products. Chia seed replaces eggs in the cake and can be used in bread [3, 4, 5].

Chia seeds are Rich in nutrients:

Chia seeds are majorly composed of dietary fibers and fats…They are a superb source of fats which are 20% to 34% in composition, particularly polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Furthermore, they also contain high levels of proteins up to 16% to 26%. Mainly 23% to 41% of dietary fiber contents and prolamins have been reported.

They also contain a significant amount of minerals (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium also contain decent amounts of zinc), vitamins mostly B complexes like Vitamin B3 (niacin), B2, B1 (thiamine).

They are gluten-free so they are suitable for patients with Celiac disease. Chia also contains antioxidants such as kaempferol, caffeic acids, chlorogenic, and quercetin.

Due to their described composition, chia seed have many medicinal effects, particularly antidiabetic activities and anti-inflammatory and positive effects on heart attack and angina, and high blood pressure [6, 7].

Antioxidant and Antimicrobial activity:

It contains large amounts of natural antioxidants such as carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenolic compounds, and phytosterols.

Polyphenolic compounds of chia seeds are very important complexes as they contribute to the antioxidant activity of chia seeds.

Antioxidant compounds reduce the risk of some chronic diseases such as heart attack and cancer. They also provide protection against some diseases like diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease [8].

Chia seeds contain healthy ω-3 fatty acids, which have the potential to block sodium and potassium channels disorders which can cause hypertension, furthermore, it improves variability of heart rate and protects from abnormal heartbeats [9, 10].

Chia seeds May reduce the risk of Myocardial infarction:

Chia seeds seem to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) as they contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids which reduces the risk of atrial blockage and so, prevents the reduced blood supply, oxygen, etc thus preventing a heart attack.

Omega 3s fatty acid reduces the risk of blood clots and abnormal heartbeats, diseases that can cause sudden cardiac death, heart failure, and stroke (brain attack).

Moreover, omega 3s reduce the risk of high blood pressure by blocking the sodium and calcium channels disorders [11, 12].

Omega 3s also decreases the total LDL cholesterol level and prevents fatty deposition in arteries and so improves endothelial function and moderately lowers blood pressure.

In this way, omega 3 fatty acids are also used in the treatment of high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure [13].

Chia seeds Has Anti-Diabetic Effect:

Chia seeds can be used in the treatment of diabetes type-2 by lowering the high blood sugar level after eating high carbohydrate food. They have the capability to convert glucose into slow-release carbohydrates and suppress hunger.

Chia seeds also suppress appetite and assist in weight loss, it also shows beneficial effects on insulin resistance and obesity-related risk factors in patients with diabetes type 2 by keeping good glycaemic control [14, 15].

Chia seeds May Reduce Chronic Inflammation:

Chronic inflammation can harm the human body and it is associated with an increased risk of cancer and heart diseases.

It can be evaluated by measuring the inflammatory markers in the blood. Due to anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, blood glucose, and cholesterol-lowering effects with daily intake may reduce the risk factors of chronic diseases.

Many studies suggested that consumption of chia seeds increases the anti-oxidant capacity, decreases cholesterol, and also decreases the inflammatory markers (cytokine) in the human body.

The biological effects and components of the chia seeds show a beneficial effect in the prevention and treatment of chronic health problems [16, 17].

Weight Loss and Digestion:

Several studies show that daily 14g or 7g consumption of chia seeds with yogurt increased the sense of fullness and reduces hunger between meals and it also decreases the total caloric intake.

They are rich in protein and fibers so they slow down the digestion process and have a pronounced effect on weight loss due to the loss of fats in the body by reducing food intake and appetite and increasing the development and growth of building muscles and thus reducing body fats. Improves the absorption of nutrients and digestion time of food in the body as they contain soluble fiber [18, 19].

Defence against Oxidative Stress:

Many types of research show the impact on oxidative stress by reducing cardiac oxidative stress markers. Chia seeds act as a defense against oxidative stress by restoring the anti-oxidative enzymes and increasing the antioxidant capacity and by decreasing the reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation [20, 21].

Some studies provide new information concerning some mechanisms related to the beneficial effects of dietary chia seeds in reversing adipose tissue oxidative stress and by an SRD (sucrose rich diet) improving the adipose tissue dysfunction induced [22].

Chia seeds improve Liver health:

Many types of research determined the beneficial effects of chia seeds on liver diseases especially non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD); fats accumulate in the liver.

Chia seeds are very useful to treat Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases because they are rich in omega 3s fatty acids, fibers, and are anti-oxidants. Omega 3s seemed to reverse Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases.

Many studies show that 25g of chia seeds per day improves the NAFLD and prevents advanced stages of NAFLD and also prevents the development of heart diseases and type-2 diabetes mellitus in NAFLD [23].

Chia seeds Boost immune system:

Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants which are beneficial for enhancing immunity. It also regulates inflammatory responses and reduces inflammation in the body [24].

Many studies show the impact of chia seeds on the immune system by increasing the concentrations of serum IgE [25].


The seeds are small-sized plants having many health-promoting properties. They contain a large number of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and decent amounts of zinc, vitamin B complexes, fats, and proteins. They are gluten-free so they are beneficial for the treatment of Celiac disease.

Also have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-hepatic, and anti-microbial effects. They reduce inflammation by reducing the inflammatory markers in the blood.

Reduce insulin resistance in diabetes type 2 patients.

Stimulate the immune system by increasing serum IgE concentration. Due to high-quality protein chia can be used in baked products and can be used to reduce weight.

Positive effects on heart diseases, heart attack, angina, high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeats, and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Omega 3s prevents fatty deposition in the arteries, brain, and liver and prevents sudden cardiac death, brain death, stroke, liver diseases like Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases.

Can be used during pregnancy and they play an important role in the development of the retina and brain of the fetus.

Also prevent oxidative stresses, epilepsy, chronic diseases e.g.; Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease. Omega 3 fatty acid reduces the risk of high blood pressure by blocking the sodium and potassium channels dysfunctions.

The seeds have many benefits if they are used according to the tolerance level of the individual but if they are not used according to individual-level then despite their numerous health benefits in the body, it may cause side effects if consumed too much, they may cause hypoglycemia in diabetic patients and hypotension in hypotensive patients, prostate cancer, Crohn’s disease, and several others.

So one must check their individual tolerance level before taking them. Initially, one should take 25g per day it's beneficial for one’s health, and then increases the amount as their tolerance level increases or improves to prevent any side effects.

Abdur Rashid
Medically Reviewed By Abdur Rashid
MSC Public Health, MCSP, MHCPC
BSC (Hon) Physiotherapy
Consultant Neuro-spinal & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist


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