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10 best exercises for everyone every day All you need to know

Exercises and physical activities boost health improvements and longevity and are among the most frequently prescribed therapies for good health. It can prevent and treat many diseases.10 Best daily exercises for everyone is a group of daily workouts and exercises we will discuss that will help you improve your fitness and level of wellbeing.

10 best exercises for everyone everyday

It has been reported that men and women with an increased ratio of exercise and physical activities have a significant reduction of 20%–35% of the risk of death (1).

Regular exercising is necessary for physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Here we present a list of daily workouts which have numerous benefits on human health.

Push-ups - Daily exercises

Push-up exercises are the most basic and efficient exercise that improves joint strength, joint stability, and muscle function. Pushup can be just a good exercise that builds upper body strength and basic strength.

Pushup exercises use muscles in the chest, abs, triceps, shoulders, back, and legs.

It has a lot of variations so beginners can start with simple versions and work up to a regular pushup, while you can find challenging variations as you progress. You can do pushups as part of a workout, regional training, or strength training.

How to Perform

  • Get yourself down on the floor keeping your hands a little bit wider than the shoulders.
  • Stretch your legs in the back to balance the hands and toes. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without relaxing the center or bending the back. You can keep your feet a little closer or slightly wider depending on what is the most comfortable position for you.
  • Before you start any movement, shrink your abs and tighten your hips by pulling your belly button up to your spine. Keep your abs tight throughout the pushup.
  • Inhale as you bend your elbows slightly and lower them until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle.
  • Exhale slowly as you start to gain muscle in your chest and pull back with your hands in the original position. Do not lock out the elbows rather keep them slightly bent.

Benefits of this daily exercises

It is one of the easiest exercises for physical fitness. A regular push-up rejuvenates almost every muscle in your body, releasing much more than just muscle mass and increased endurance. Some of the benefits are:

  • An increased functional strength through full body activation.
  • An improved cardiovascular system.
  • It makes the bones stronger.
  • It improves posture as a good posture comes from basic strength.

Precautionary measures

One should not do pushups if he has an injury in the shoulder, wrist, or elbow. Talk to the doctor or physiotherapist to see if this is a good exercise. If one wants to protect his wrists, he can put his hands on dumbbells or pushup bars to keep them neutral. If you feel shoulder pain during pushup or notice a clicking noise on your shoulder, stop exercising.


Squat targets the lower body, this exercise is mainly aimed at the thighs and glutes. However, basic strength and stamina, ankle movement, back muscles, calves, and other factors play a vital role in performing this task.

The squat exercise is one of the best weight loss exercises to build body and lower limbs strength. Because this is a mutual exercise that involves many muscles and joints at the same time, it requires training and practice to understand safety (2).

How to Perform

Place the squat rack so that the bar stays behind you. Place your hands evenly on the bar and lower back under the bar, so it sits comfortably on your shoulders.

  • While maintaining a wide posture, place your feet in a square under the bar and lift it up the line using your legs. Keep the weight at the center, do not lift on your heels or toes.
  • Bend your knees slightly while keeping your hip straight. Do not lean forward. Keep your hips under the bar throughout. Under your movement, the angles of your knee joints and hip joints are almost the same. Never relax or go downstairs. Maintain a slow and controlled muscle tension. Take a deep breath as you go down.
  • Slowly return to the starting position while keeping your chest and back straight and hips under the bar. Take a deep breath as you push your heels and stand tall.
  • Repeat as many times as you wish on the set. Try one to three sets of six to ten squats to start.
  • At the end of the exercise let your trainer help direct the bar back to the rack.

Benefits of this daily exercises

Some of the benefits of Squat are:

  • It helps in building muscles.
  • It helps in improving flexibility.
  • It burns calories fast.
  • It helps in strengthening the lungs and heart.
  • It can help in maintaining and improving the joints.
  • It improves digestion and circulation.


75% of injuries involving a squat are caused at the start or end of the exercise when the bar is removed from its position or returned to the resting position. Always pay close attention to the start and end of the squats as it can lead to injury.

Do not rest on the back while exercising. Strong muscle strength should be maintained at all times and movement should be steered and controlled. The abs should also stay strong and involved as they help support the lower back throughout the exercise.

Skipping Rope

Skipping rope is one of the most inexpensive and efficient ways to increase cardiovascular fitness. If somebody wants to do an easy and efficient exercise, a skipping rope can be the answer.

The only equipment required for this exercise is a jumping rope. If performed in the right way, it can improve heart rate, balance, and speed. It can also increase muscle strength and endurance, and burn calories.

How to Perform

Skipping rope is not a tricky exercise but there are a few details you need to know:

  • Hold the handles in both the hands and initiate the exercise with the rope behind you. To make the rope move, rotate your arms forward and your wrists twists and turn it over.
  • As the rope goes up, bend your knees slightly. When you see the rope passes through, jump out of your toes. Start with small steps so you can understand its timing. When you find a few jumps on the ground, you will know when to jump naturally.
  • With the right speed, the wrists will do all the work. Usually, there are bearings inside the handles around the cord itself. This makes it easier to twist the rope with just your wrists.
  • As you jump, make sure you stay on your feet. This keeps you fast and steady.


  • Skipping rope works in improving movement coordination and stamina.
  • It reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke (3).
  • It reduces the belly fat.
  • It improves the blood circulation and makes the skin glow too.


If a person has a high blood pressure problem, skipping rope may not be the best exercise for him. The position of the arms during the exercise can reduce blood flow to the heart and increase blood pressure.

In any case, if you have hypertension or a heart condition, discuss the possible risks of using a skipping rope with the doctor before starting exercising.

The bicycle crunch

It is an active exercise, reaching not only the normal abs but also the deep abs and ligaments in the body. If you want to work your core, this wind bike route is a good choice.

No equipment is required for this exercise. It is a beginner-level exercise that one can do anywhere.

How to Perform

  • Lie on the floor with your lower back pressed down and your knees bent. Your feet should be down and your hands behind your head.
  • Exercise your basic core muscles, draw your abdomen to stabilize your spine.
  • With your hands gently holding your head, pull your shoulders back and slightly raise your knees at about a 90 degree angle, raising your feet to the floor.
  • Pull up and slowly, at first, walk with a bicycle movement, bringing one knee up to your armpit while straightening the other leg, keeping both high above your hips.
  • Rotate your torso to touch your elbow to the opposing knee as it rises.
  • One way is to bend the other side while drawing that knee toward your armpit and then stretch the other leg until your elbow touches the other knee.
  • Strive for 12 to 20 repetitions and three sets.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • It helps in developing a stronger core which saves an individual from pains, aches and injuries that are caused by muscle disorders.
  • It burns unnecessary fat mass and helps in getting a flat stomach.
  • It helps an individual to build six pack abs too.


If one has back or neck problems, he should talk to his doctor or physical therapist about whether crunches are right for him or not.

If this exercise is not performed in the right form, it can compress the spine and the neck. Avoid this exercise after the first trimester of pregnancy, as soon as the belly grows. If the individual has back issues, he should pay attention to how his lower back feels and stop exercising if he finds himself in a difficult situation.

Pull up

Pull-up exercise is one of the toughest exercises for bodybuilding, back, and strength. It is a high-intensity exercise that works with many muscle groups.

It requires a bar on which you have to lift your whole body with using your arms and shoulders. It is an advanced and effective exercise to strengthen the back muscles. 

How to Perform

  • The pull-up bar should be positioned at a higher point that requires you to jump to catch it, your feet should hang free.
  • Stand at the bottom of the bar with your feet wide.
  • Jump and lift the bar by grabbing over the shoulder width apart.
  • Extend your arms fully.
  • Bend your knees and cross your ankles to balance.
  • Exhale while pulling yourself up so that your chin is parallel to the size of the bar. Pause slightly at the top.
  • Lower your body (inhale as you go down) until your elbows are in a straight position.
  • Repeat the exercise without touching the floor.
  • Complete the number of repetitions your exercise requires.

Benefits of this daily exercises

Pull-up has a lot of benefits including:

  • It strengthen back muscle and activates them.
  • It builds up the upper body strength.
  • It works on many muscles in the back which keeps the upper body in an aligned position so pull-ups helps in getting a good posture.
  • It enhances the grip strength of an individual.


One should avoid these exercises if he is having a back, neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist injury. Talk to the doctor or physiotherapist about what is appropriate based on your condition.

The more an individual weigh, the harder it will be for him to perform pull-up exercise. It is best to limit pull-ups to just two days a week to avoid any complications or injuries. Keep at least one day for rest between sessions. While using the bar, make sure that it is safe and stable to prevent falls.

Basic Bridge

The basic bridge is a versatile and effective exercise that separates and tightens the gluteus muscles (butt) and muscles at the back of the thigh.

It can improve the core stability by aiming at the abdominal muscles and also targeting the hip and lower back muscles if performed in the right way.

The basic bridge is a good warm-up and basic exercise to improve the stability of the core and spine.

How to Perform

  • Lie on your back with your hands on your sides in a knees bent position, and feet flat on the floor below your knees.
  • Tighten your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles by pressing your lower back against the floor before lifting yourself up.
  • Raise your hips to create a straight line from the knees to the shoulders.
  • Squeeze your core and pull your belly button back to your spine.
  • Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then return to where you started.
  • Complete at least 10 repetitions.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • It works for hips movability and strengthens the lower back.
  • It helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause.
  • It works for improving the body posture.
  • It helps in relieving the stress.


If an individual has some health conditions or injuries or is recovering from any sort of illness or surgery, he may need to avoid exercise that works on his core, knees, lower back, or glutes until he is healed. Consult your physician before starting the exercise.

Ask the doctor or trainer about the adjustment schedule. For example, in conditions that affect the joints and spine, such as osteoporosis or arthritis, do not perform this exercise as long as you do it safely and with proper guidance.


Lunges are a powerful and effective exercise, which allows an individual to shape and strengthen almost all the muscles of the lower body - the hips, glutes, quads, back of the thighs and calves.

Lunges are tougher to perform than squats because the split posture puts the body in an unstable position, which challenges the balance.

How to Perform

  • Stand at the intersection of the right foot forward and left leg back. The feet should be about two to three feet apart, depending on the length of your leg. The isolation position will require balance, so hold on to the wall or chair if you feel unstable.
  • Bend the knees and lower the body until the back knee is a few inches from the floor.
  • The front thigh must be parallel to the floor and the back knee should point downwards, at the bottom of the movement. The weight should be distributed uniformly between both legs.
  • Push back, keeping the weight on the heel of the front foot.
  • Repeat all repetitions before changing the sides.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • It helps an individual achieve a stable and stronger core.
  • It works for strengthening legs and buttocks muscles.
  • It works in taking load off the spine thus making it pain free.
  • It makes an individual more functional.


If an individual has a knee injury or other health condition, he should talk to his doctor or physiotherapist to see if he should perform lunges or not. If one experiences knee pain during the lunges, he should stop exercising.

If an individual has problems with balance, he should use a lunge near a wall or bench where he can get a stable position. One should not try the more advanced forms of lunge until he makes his form perfect with static lunge. In pregnancy, one should limit oneself to static lunges only during the third trimester.


The burpee is an effective and challenging exercise used to build strength and fitness. Burpees itself is an anaerobic exercise, but when performed over a long period of time it can be used as an aerobic exercise. Burpee is a complete full-body workout, it targets the full body.

How to Perform of this daily exercises

  • Start standing with your feet about the width of the hip and with your arms facing your sides.
  • Bend in the downward direction and place your palms on the floor in front of your feet. As soon as the palms of your hands meet the floor, jump with your feet behind you to replace the plank. Keep your body strong and straight.
  • Do a push-up. Do not let your hips loosen and do not let your back sag.
  • After you finish pushing, raise your focus and throw your feet out of your hands with a square. You should sit flat (not on the heels or toes), with your feet out.
  • Get up and jump, reaching your arms above your head.
  • Land with your knees bent. As your feet meet the ground, start lowering back to start another rep.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • It works in developing coordination between lower and upper body.
  • It helps in burning calories.
  • It is a full body workout.

Precautions of this daily exercises

One needs to warm up for burpees by performing just a few reps at the start. This exercise is a complex movement that puts force on wrists and shoulders, so it requires careful attention to the strategy.

Side Plank

The side plank is a good exercise to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, which are the two layers of muscles present at the sides of the core. The oblique muscles usually do not get involved during other ab exercises.

One has to hold his body on his side in a straight position with the help of only one arm and one side of the foot. An individual can add side planks to his main exercise routine or yoga.

How to Perform

  • Lie on the right side with legs stretched out to the feet. The elbow of the right hand should be placed under the shoulder. Make sure that your head is straight in line with the spine. The left arm can be aligned straight with left side of the body.
  • Get the abdominal muscles engaged, and draw the navel towards the spine.
  • Lift the hips and knees from the mat and exhale. The torso is straight in line with no drooping or bending. Hold the position.
  • After several breaths, inhale and exhale again. The holding time should last for 60 seconds. Change sides and perform the reps.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • This exercise helps in building the core strength to a bigger extent.
  • It strengthens the arms, bones and wrists as it makes an individual to balance himself on one arm.
  • It helps in strengthening the legs.
  • It improves balance.

Precautions of this daily exercises

One should avoid a side plank if he is having an injury to the shoulder, arm, elbow or ankle. An individual should consult a doctor or a physical therapist about whether it is appropriate for him to perform this exercise if he has other injuries or health conditions.

One should stop doing this exercise if he feels pain at any time.

Single-leg deadlift

Single-leg deadlift is a simple but effective exercise for strengthening and flexing the buttocks and core muscles while simultaneously improving balance. One can perform this exercise with a dumbbell, however, beginners can do it without weights (4).

How to Perform

A place is needed where an individual is able to stretch completely. Put the kettlebell down in front of you and perform the following steps:

  • Stand straight with both feet on the floor and legs straight, hands hanging down in front of you.
  • Lean on the balancing leg as you slide the non-supporting leg back, allowing your upper body to move forward with your hips like a hinge. If at any time during exercise you start to lose balance, simply touch the free floating leg slightly down to regain the balance.
  • Keep the balancing leg straight. Continue folding into the forward direction until your fingers reach handle of the kettlebell, then hold the handle by wrapping your fingers around it.
  • Complete the movement by pulling the weight with the butt and hamstrings muscles of your body.
  • Complete the movement in a position with your body upright and the balancing leg in a fully extended position.
  • Take a short break to make sure you have a stable control of your balance, then lower the kettle bell back down.
  • You can start with five reps per leg with light to moderate weight load, and then gradually increase the number of sets.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • It strengthens the glutes.
  • It increases the ease of movement for an individual.
  • Regular single leg lift improves the balance and stability.

Precautions of this daily exercises

One should talk to his doctor or physiotherapist to find out if this exercise is appropriate for an ankle, knee, hip, shoulder or back injury.

Make sure to work within the level of movement and skills. One should stop doing the exercise if he feels sharp pain. For a pregnant woman, it is often advisable not to do the exercise that requires balancing.

Make sure to do this exercise where you can reach a chair or wall to get the support you need if you feel like losing your balance.

Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal crunches aim at the rectus abdomen, a six-pack muscle that runs in front of the chest. Building this muscle helps in improving the core muscles for stability and functionality.

Abdominal Crunches can be part of basic strength training or a complete workout.

How to Perform

  • Lie on your back while bending the knees, place your hands behind your head or on your chest. When you place your hands behind your head, your fingers should gently lift your head. The idea is to support the neck.
  • Pull your belly button toward your spine to prepare for the workout.
  • Slowly shrink your abdomen, bringing your shoulders 1 or 2 inches from the floor.
  • Exhale as you go up while keeping the neck straight.
  • Hang on for a few seconds while constantly breathing.
  • Slow down slightly, but do not rest all the way.
  • Repeat the movement fifteen to twenty times.

Benefits of this daily exercises

  • Abdominal crunches helps in improving the balance as they work in strengthening up the muscles.
  • They are important in improving the posture.
  • They burn calories faster.
  • They have a good impact on stomach health for the people suffering with constipation.


If an individual has back or neck problems, he should talk to his doctor or physical therapist about whether crunches are right for him or not.

If not performed in the right way, they can compress the neck and the spine. Avoid crunches after the first trimester of pregnancy, as soon as the belly start growing.

Abdur Rashid
Medically Reviewed By Abdur Rashid
MSC Public Health, MCSP, MHCPC
BSC (Hon) Physiotherapy
Consultant Neuro-spinal & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist


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