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10 Proven Health Benefits of Eggs. Evidence-Based

Eggs are highly nutritious food and contain an adequate amount of essential proteins, vitamins, fats, minerals, and biologically active compounds. These compositions and their quantity in the egg are influenced by hen diet and other environmental conditions too.

Proven Health Benefits of Eggs

The egg is considered as the lowest-cost protein source from animals along with its numerous other health benefits and it has been in the spotlight for being the basic food for human beings.

Eggs are easily available and are widely consumed globally. Both the egg white and egg yolk are nutritious and possess numerous health benefits. 

Due to their extraordinary beneficial effects on human health, eggs have been a topic of research for many investigators and a lot of studies have been conducted which has highlighted their significant positive effects on humans.

Loaded with a lot of Micro and Macronutrients:

Eggs are a rich source of energy, proteins, lipids, and many essential vitamins and minerals. They contain almost all the nutrients that an individual’s body needs except for Vitamin C. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (1), a large egg (100g) contains the following list of compounds it:

  • 147 Kcal of Energy
  • 75.8 grams of Water
  • 12.4 grams of Protein
  • 9.96 grams of Total Fat (3.2g saturated, 3.63g monounsaturated, 1.82g polyunsaturated)
  • 1.99 grams of Nitrogen
  • 0.96 grams of Carbohydrates
  • 411 mg of Cholesterol
  • <0.75 grams of Dietary Fiber
  • 0.2 grams of total Sugar
  • 48 mg of Calcium
  • 1.67 mg of Iron
  • 11.4 mg of Magnesium
  • 184 mg of Phosphorus
  • 132 mg of Potassium
  • 129 mg of Sodium
  • 1.24 mg of Zinc
  • 0.077 mg of Thiamin
  • 0.419 mg of Riboflavin
  • <0.2 mg of Niacin
  • 0.063 mg of Vitamin B6
  • 71 µg of Folate
  • 335 mg of Choline
  • 1.02 µg of Vitamin B12
  • 180 µg of Vitamin A
  • 98.4 IU of Vitamin D

They are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals and are one of the best sources of high-quality protein. They are considered a superfood on planet earth due to their nutritious content. They contain all the amino acids in good ratios.

They are considered a weight-loss-promoting food and have been added to many weight-loss diets. The best approach to using eggs for weight loss is incorporating them into a healthy diet and consuming them in breakfast.

Helps weight loss:

Several studies have been performed to prove the benefit of eggs in losing weight. One large egg contains about 147 calories and an egg meal containing 2 eggs provides 294 calories. For a healthy breakfast, you can combine 2 eggs with low-calorie vegetables and have a full meal.

The nutrient content of eggs is quite high and contains a rich amount of micro and macronutrients.

A study performed on 152 overweight men and women over a period of 8 weeks concluded that taking eggs in breakfast induce weight loss when combined with a calorie-restricted diet (2).

In another study conducted on 30 obese women, egg breakfast was compared to bagel-based breakfast and it was concluded that the egg breakfast induce the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time and potentially decreased the short-term intake of food (3).

Egg breakfast produces greater overall satiety and individuals have a lower energy intake in lunch and evening which induces less calorie intake and can subsequently aid in losing weight (4).

Rich in Protein:

Eggs are a perfect source of protein, both the egg white and yolk are enriched with proteins.

Eggs are considered to be a filling food due to its protein content. Proteins are considered to enhance satiety and subsequently reduce energy intake in an individual.

The intake of protein aids in weight loss by producing a feeling of fullness and a 100 gram egg contains about 12.4 grams of protein.

Studies have suggested the intake of high protein in breakfast which is associated with higher satiety and less hunger throughout the day and also prevents the intake of high-fat snacks in the evening (5).

A study conducted on 27 obese men investigated the effect of consuming high protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss and it was concluded that the intake of high protein meals significantly improves appetite and satiety in obese men during their weight loss journey (6).

Eating an egg-based breakfast prevents an individual from taking extra calories in the later meals.

It has been reported that so far, a total of 550 proteins have been identified in egg white and yolk among which only 20 are characterized till date. This means that a lot of activities that an egg might possess are still unknown and needs to be investigated (7).

 Eggs boost the metabolism of the body

A diet high in protein content exerts many beneficial effects on the metabolism of the body and an egg is enriched with all the essential amino acids.

Metabolism of the body is enhanced by consumption of a high protein diet through a process of the thermic effect of food.

Studies have found the efficacy of high protein diets in boosting metabolic activity and weight loss compared to a high carbohydrate diet. A high protein diet helps in burning more calories which subsequently aids in losing weight (8).

Eggs in breakfast:

Studies have been performed to find the best approach to consuming eggs for losing weight.

According to a study, eating an egg breakfast along with an energy restriction induces a 65% greater weight loss (2).

Eggs can be taken in breakfast in any form: boiled, baked, omelet, or in scrambled form. One can pair them with fiber-rich vegetables for a healthy filling meal. It can help induce satiety for several hours and lower the desire to eat later in the day.

Eggs possess numerous health benefits because of the vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds present in it.

Increase the “Good” Cholesterol level:

Eggs contain a good amount of cholesterol, however, this does not affect the blood cholesterol level.

In fact, studies have shown that the consumption of eggs raises the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is considered good cholesterol.

In a study conducted on 24 healthy adults over a period of six weeks, the intake of two eggs every day increased the serum HDL cholesterol level by 10% (9).

Another study investigated the effects of eating 3 eggs per day and compared the results with no egg consumption at all. Intake of 3 eggs per day significantly increased the HDL cholesterol level by 3-4 folds.

A high level of HDL cholesterol has many beneficial effects on human health and it reduces the risk of many fatal diseases including cardiovascular disorders and stroke (10).

Contains powerful antioxidants

Eggs contain numerous compounds that exhibit powerful antioxidant properties. The nutrients and proteins present in eggs are considered to have antioxidant properties.

Egg lipids and egg proteins including ovalbumin, phosvitin, and ovotransferrin possess antioxidant properties while some micronutrients including Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and carotenoids also have antioxidant characteristics (11).

Eggs can be enriched with some more antioxidants too through manipulation in their feed. Two major egg carotenoids are lutein and zeaxanthin, both of them exhibit strong antioxidant properties and are the main components of the eye macular pigment.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are reported to have a very well-known role in the protection of the eye and preventing light-induced oxidative damage to the eye (12).

Minerals such as selenium and iodine present in eggs also possess antioxidant properties. Iodine has a reported significant role in preventing oxidative damage in the eye, breast, and thyroid (13).

The antioxidant compounds present in eggs can prevent the human body from many other diseases by protecting the cells against the damage caused by free radicals.

The amount of all these bioactive compounds in the egg depends upon the hen’s feed. Eggs can be enriched to provide more of the daily recommended intake of the antioxidant compounds including Vitamin E, selenium, iodine, and carotenoids.

Egg contains Choline:

Choline is an essential nutrient with complex functionalities in the body. It is important for the synthesis of various phospholipid components of all membranes (14).

Eggs are a rich source of choline and according to studies, the egg is the second principal source of choline after beef liver. A large egg contains 335 mg of choline.

Another important function of choline is its significant role in the development of the brain and memory of the fetus. It is also reported to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (15).

Choline is equally important in adulthood and old age too. It is essential for cellular growth and maintenance during all life stages. It plays a potential role in bone integrity too (16).

A study performed on healthy adults investigated the effects of a diet deprived of choline compared to a high choline diet. In a diet deficient in choline, 77% of men and 80% of the women (postmenopausal) showed signs of organ dysfunction and muscle damage.

It was observed that high consumption of choline in the diet reversed the damage caused by its deficiency (17).

The deficiency of choline is reported to be associated with DNA damage and many serious cardiovascular risk factors.

 Eggs are good for heart health

The nutrients present in eggs are reported to have beneficial effects on the heart.

Eggs have been known to increase good cholesterol which in turn decreases the risk of many heart diseases.

Another important fact is that egg contains omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers the triglyceride levels in the blood and prevents the risk of various cardiovascular disorders.

To increase the omega-3 content of the egg, hen feed is modified and is supplemented with fish oil or flax seeds.

A study conducted over a period of 3 weeks to investigate the effects of consumption of five eggs per week showed a significant 16-18% reduction in serum triglyceride level (18).

Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids is reported to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and has a beneficial effect on the progression of cardiovascular disease (19).

Choline, another very important nutrient present in eggs can lower the risk of heart diseases by decreasing homocysteine levels. An elevated level of homocysteine is associated with a greater risk of many chronic disorders including heart diseases, cancer, and bone fractures (20).

Eggs can improve Brain health

Choline, an essential nutrient present in egg is important for a healthy nervous system. In a study performed on 1391 participants, it was found out that a higher choline intake is associated with better cognitive performance.

Choline produces acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter and has a potential role in the regulation of memory and other cognitive functions (21).

In another study, it was found out that low plasma-free choline levels are linked with poor memory and brain functions (22).

Several animal studies have been performed and it is suggested that the intake of choline supplements during pregnancy has a positive influence on the development of the fetal brain (23).

Besides these, choline has a key role in liver function, heart health, pregnancy and neural functions and its deficiency can cause serious health disorders.


Eggs are widely consumed worldwide and are the most nutritious easily available food since ancient times. Its is considered a low-calorie food and is incorporated into many weight-loss diets.

It has potential beneficial effects in losing weight due to its satiating nature.

The essential nutrients contained in the egg have multiple benefits on human health and can reduce the risk of many diseases. It is loaded with proteins and can boost the metabolism of the body.

An important fact about eggs is that they can be loaded with many bioactive compounds by manipulating the poultry diet.

One can get the most out of it by incorporating it into daily breakfast. It can be paired with many fiber-rich vegetables to make it a complete meal.

Overall, they are considered the perfect food on planet earth and are the favorite food for many diet-conscious people. 

Abdur Rashid
Medically Reviewed By Abdur Rashid
MSC Public Health, MCSP, MHCPC
BSC (Hon) Physiotherapy
Consultant Neuro-spinal & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist


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