Symptom Clinic
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Ask Pro Health Privacy Policy

We clearly understand how vital the privacy of personal information of our users is. Our Privacy Policy will tell you all about the information we collect about you and your use of our website It will also explain about how we use and protect that information. We would like you to read this Privacy Policy carefully.

Information that we Collect About our User.

Using our website is absolutely free for our readers. If you chose to signup for a daily or weekly newsletter, you would be required to provide some personal information; these include your name, mobile number, email address, gender, or date of birth; you may also need to create a username with the password to access your account securely. Please ensure the accuracy of the personal information while submitting to signup for our newsletter.

There will always be an option given to you for providing us your personal information for receiving informational and promotional newsletters in an email. These newsletters are related to a specific health condition that we will cover in our blogs/articles or may directly from a third-party sponsor’s program to benefit your health and well-being. We are not passing and will never pass any of your personal information to any third party and will use it only for the purpose of emailing your newsletter. We may also send you sometimes emails about some health products and services that are relevant to improve your health and fitness.

Cookies policy

It is important for us and our partners to use cookies for collecting information about the choice of use of services. It is important that you know about Cookies; they are small assigned data files to your web browser when you visit our website. These cookies enable your browser recognition to collect and store some information about your use of our website.

We may sometimes add an affiliate marketing link in our articles and blogs for some products/services that are relevant and helpful for your health and wellness; when you click on that link, a cookie for sale will generate on your browser 24 hours. The link may take you to another website to order/purchase a product/service. When someone buys a product/services by using or provided an affiliate link within 24 hours, Ask Pro-Health receive some percentage of commission.

Symptom Clinic
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