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5 Simple Steps How to Lose Weight Fast. Science-Based

Do you want to lose weight fast? If your wedding dress is not fitting in size, or if you want to feel better in your appearances and looks for your social media following. Almost everyone is looking for the answer on how to lose weight fast

The ideal way to go on this path and lose weight fast is to lose weight steadily by the recommended value of 1-2 pounds per week for more effective long-term fitness.

You can also lose weight fast by adopting these 5 simple steps but we need to understand and keep reminding ourselves that losing weight is not a sprint; it is a marathon, and for a marathon, we need to keep our nerves strong and stay focused.

5 Simple Steps How to Lose Weight Fast

One of the main reasons individuals fail to lose weight is that they do not stick to any healthy diet plan.

First, we need to know that many specialists suggest and recommend the best way to lose weight is to adopt a progressive approach over time.

Therefore we need to stick to a healthy diet plan (low carb and low-calorie intake) and avoid bad eating habits and diet plans that make us hungry and unsatisfied.

It is also essential to know that if you lose weight too fast, you may lose body water, and muscle mass as a substitute for energy.

Studies have suggested that several dietary intakes and effective strategies include cutting back on drinks and foods that have been intensely tied to weight gain and increasing your consumption of more nutrient-dense foods. You've possibly heard the saying, "calories in, calories out" which means you want to burn out more calories than you consume (1).

But it's not that easy. Every individual can suggest you only from his/her own experiences and understanding.

Following are some of the essential evidence-based scientific research methods and strategies to help you lose weight.

5 simple steps to lose weight fast and naturally

1. Say No to Carbohydrates. Cut back on all refined carbs

To lose our extra body weight quickly and burn our extra fats, we need to stick to a low-carbs diet plan. If you want to get quick results in losing weight, the best way to do so is to cut back on sugar, starches or, in simple words carbohydrates.

One of the easiest ways to stick to a healthy diet plan and lose weight more effectively is to start a low carbs diet. To keep your energy level maintained and avoid craving with less appetite, replace or reduce refined carbs with whole grain.

The benefit of low-carbs diet is to help you quickly burn stored fats in the body by breaking them down as a substitute to sugar and carbohydrates to produce energy for your body.

Research proves that reducing carbs in our diet helps to lower food cravings and appetite which directly helps us to eat less. When we eat less, we consume fewer calories and lose weight (2).

The benefit of replacing refined carbs with whole grain is that our body takes more time to digest whole grain due to the high amount of fibers in them.

This quality of complex carbs helps us to feel full as our digestive system is still working to digest whole grains or any other complex carbs. When we feel full and sated we stop cravings for eating more. 

Research on older populations group shows that cutting back on carbs in their everyday diet helped them lose weight more efficiently (3).

Another research on the effect of ketogenic diets on appetite with systematic review shows that people who were on low carbs ketogenic diet had less desire to eat and did not feel hungry over a longer period of time (4).

Even if you consume whole grains instead of refined ones, you should keep in mind that most researchers consider they all end up getting processed a similar way. That means avoiding any carbohydrates is possibly a smarter move. Try changing flour-based noodles with zucchini noodles or spiraled carrot, for example.

Studies have suggested that restraining your carb consumption is an easy way to help steady blood sugar levels.

Having a steady blood-sugar level and a tight glycemic control has been linked with useful health outcomes, including weight loss, restored energy levels throughout the day, and a decreased risk of chronic diseases (5).

A low-carbohydrate diet limits the number of carbs that you are eating. Carbohydrates are classified as

  • simple natural (fructose in fruit and lactose in milk),
  • simple refined (table sugar),
  • complex refined (white flour),
  • complex natural (whole grains or beans).

Common resources of naturally occurring carbohydrates include:

  • Grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)

Usually complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, and they have less effect on blood sugar than refined carbohydrates do. They also provide you with a high level of fibers to keep you full for a longer time.

Refined carbohydrates such as white flour or sugar are often added to canned foods. Samples of foods with refined carbohydrates are cookies, cake, candy, white bread and pasta, and sugar-sweetened sodas and drinks.

Our body needs carbohydrates as its major energy source. For the period of digestion, complex carbs are broken down into simple sugars (glucose) and are also released into your bloodstream (blood glucose).

Insulin is released to regulate the glucose entering the body's cells, where it can be reused for energy. Additional glucose is stored in the liver and muscles, and some are changed to body fat.


In many scientific researches, low-carb diets show their worth as healthful and beneficial in the following ways.

  • Studies point out that cutting carbs can spontaneously reduce your craving and calorie intake.
  • Low-carb diets are very efficient at lowering blood triglycerides, which are fat molecules that expand your heart disease risk.
  • Low-carb diets are disposed of high in fat, which leads to an imposing increase in blood levels of the "good" HDL cholesterol.
  • Cutting carbs leads to a substantial reduction in blood pressure, which reduces risk of numerous common diseases.

A low-calorie diet is a more sustainable approach for long term maintenance of a healthy weight.

2. Say Hello to Protein. Start consuming proteins

Protein is the main ingredient that fuels our muscles and keeps us feel sated. For these important reasons, one should make sure to get an adequate amount of protein in every meal.

Working on a high-protein diet may support you decrease your hunger, which could assist you in losing weight. Researches have shown an important role of protein in weight loss, weight management, and weight loss maintenance (6).

You can test it by adding some additional protein to your meals. Offer yourself a week, boosting protein progressively. The healthy level of protein that is required by the body every day is different for males and females.

  • An average male needs 56–91 grams of protein per day
  • An average female needs 46–75 grams of protein per day

The most advantageous protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in calories and saturated fat includes lean meats, seafood, beans, soy, low-fat dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds.

You can boost up your nutrient intake by combining different foods along with your protein consumption. For example, you could have salmon or other fish that's plentiful in omega-3s, lentils or beans that provide you with fiber as well as protein, almonds on your oatmeal, or walnuts on your salad.


  • Consuming additional protein has a positive influence on resting metabolism.
  • High-protein foods intensify feelings of fullness. Individuals consuming an adequate amount of protein may take in less calories and lose weight.
  • Decrease cravings, and reduce desire of eating snacks by 60%.

3. Green Signal for Green Vegetables — Eat more vegetables Losing Weight Fast

Several scientific investigations have suggested the intake of vegetables and fruits (1, 7). They have a high level of fiber and are filled up with nutrition including essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body. They can:

  • Improve metabolism and, consequently, burn belly fat and speed up weight loss.
  • A high level of fibers keeps us full for a long time therefore we eat less food and lose weight
  • Green vegetables are full of antioxidants which helps our body fight many diseases.

Having more vegetables in your diet will benefit you not just in your weight loss journey but also in living a healthy and long life.

Here is a list of seven vegetables that are helpful for Losing Weight Fast:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Green peas
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet potato

Even though you think you are familiar with the beneficial effects of veggies on your health, many of these things might surprise you.

·   Veggies benefit you cut calories.

·  Vegetables can help us fight many types of cancers, there's more significance that they can protect the blood vessels too.

·   Veggies contain potassium, which helps in lowering the blood pressure and might make blood vessels less rigid.

·   Certain studies have shown that individuals who eat more leafy green vegetables ensure a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Don’t Be Afraid of Fats: Eat Fat for Weight loss

If you've been motivated on cutting calories for weight loss, you might think that confining high-fat ingredients, like cooking oils, avocados, or nuts, is a good approach. After all, fat has additional calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates. But only calories cannot tell the whole story.

Research studies state that dietary fat increases the absorption of essential nutrients, helps us feel full, and assists as a reserve for energy storage (1, 7). By promoting a feeling of fullness, fat can help setback sugar cravings and promote a more maintainable way of eating.

Some people may need to follow a low-fat diet for many health conditions, but a fat-free diet is no longer considered to be nutritionally balanced. Healthy fats can be part of the tracking down of a healthier lifestyle.

Monounsaturated fats are comprised of one double bond in their chemical structure and may have numerous health benefits including:

  • Can aid in weight loss and may decrease risk factors for heart disease.
  • May reduce cancer risk, insulin resistance, and inflammation.

5. Keep Moving: Exercises can help burn fats and Lose Weight Fast

Physical activity can also help an individual to lose weight.

According to scientific research, regular exercise is vital for both physical and mental health (8, 9). Going up the physical activity frequency in a well-organized and purposeful way is often essential for successful weight loss.

One hour of moderate-intensity activity per day, such as brisk walking, works best. People who are not normally physically active should slowly increase exercise and progressively increase its intensity. This method is the most convenient way to ensure that regular exercise becomes a part of your lifestyle.

Similarly, monitoring your meals can help with weight loss; individuals may also benefit from keeping track of their physical activities. Many free mobile apps are available that track a person's calorie balance later they log their food consumption and exercise.

If an individual thinks that a full workout seems unapproachable to them, they could initiate by doing the following simple actions to increase their exercise levels:

  • using the stairs
  • talk a walk with your dog
  • gardening
  • dancing
  • playing outdoor games
  • parking farther than a building entrance

Consistent physical activity benefits in controlling weight and may help:

  • Control weight through excess calories that would else be stored as fat.
  • Attain weight loss by burning off several extra calories.
  • Reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancers, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.
  • Form strong muscles, joints, and bones.
  • Improve balance and flexibility of the body.
Abdur Rashid
Medically Reviewed By Abdur Rashid
MSC Public Health, MCSP, MHCPC
BSC (Hon) Physiotherapy
Consultant Neuro-spinal & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist


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