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20 Tips for Effective Fast Weight Loss Routine

Weight loss is not a sprint run. Instead, it is a marathon run; it is crucial to maintain your weight loss journey by taking several achievable steps not only to lose weight but also to maintain your body weight for the long term. Everyone is looking for the answer: how can I lose weight fast? It may be quite easy to lose weight fast, but maintaining a healthy weight should be the main goal.

Tips for Effective Fast Weight Loss

You may hear in your from your friends and family that What is the best diet for rapid weight loss? How can I slim down in 10 days or 1 week? or what are the tips for losing weight fast?

You can lose weight fast in 10 days or 1 week, but it may not be a healthy option for some individuals. Therefore, several health practitioners and nutritionists recommend losing weight gradually but keep making efforts to maintain healthy body weight.

Following are some of the essential tips based on research studies that will help you lose weight fast and will also help you maintain healthy body weight.

1. Let the Sunlight In

Arise and shine—literally! Researchers from Northwestern University set up that individuals who were open to bright daylight earlier in the day tend to lose weight compared to those who did not get sunlight until later (1).

So right after you wake up, open the blinds and curtains and let the sunlight inside the room. Or you can step outside and have your morning cup of tea on the front porch.

2. You should Order Your Coffee Black

Avoid the sugar and cream in your cup and select it black to quickly lose weight. Black coffee has no calories, and it can assist you in burning calories more rapidly. According to a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, the normal metabolic rate of people who sipped caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who consumed decaffeinated one (2).

3. Swap your soda drink for a sugar-free tea

Sugary cold drinks are terrible for you and are possible to pack on the pounds. One can of Coke comprises 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar, more than your full daily recommended amount. Switch instead for a sugar-free tea, hot or iced. Tea has no calories at all and has specific fat-melting properties (3).

4. Take a Refillable Water Bottle

As a substitute for constantly refilling the similar throw-away bottle over and over, grab a BPA-free bottle, rather than one made of glass or aluminum.

Tips for Effective Fast Weight Loss

 Not only is this healthier for your waistline, but carrying a bottle around with you will prompt you to drink more water throughout the day. Drinking more water means you'll not be as much hungry, and you'll provide your metabolism a boost.

According to studies, increased hydration helps you lose weight by decreasing the appetite and through increased lipolysis (4).

5. Squeeze a whole Lemon in Your glass

Squeezing in a refreshing lemon will not only benefit you drinking more water; it also consumes detox benefits which guarantee to help you lose weight fast.

Lemons contain a great amount of polyphenols, which are actually antioxidant compounds. A research study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry discovered that mice who were fed lemon polyphenols were less expected to gain weight and store body fat (5).

6. Always grab a Small Plate for fast weight loss

Replace your large dinner plate with a small salad plate, and have your meals in it. By eating from a smaller plate, you're more likely to watch more accurate portions. You're also likely to trick your brain into thinking you're consuming more, in that way feeling fuller, quicker.

7. You must go to your bed more Earlier

Having slept for more than five hours at night time might seem like an extravagance for some, but it can have a severe impact on your overall health.

Not receiving the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night puts you at risk for exhaustion the next day, which means you're more likely to crave and snack on high-calorie luxury food.

Studies have reported that shorter sleep duration is associated with an increased risk of being overweight (6).

8. Switch Your White Bread with Whole Grain

Processed white bread is a simple carbohydrate that your body processes as sugar and can hinder your weight-loss efforts.

On the other side, whole grain bread is chock-full of low-fat fiber and can help you sense fuller, longer. Just be sure to see your labels before buying the food.

If the ingredients at the topmost corner of the list read sugar, white or wheat flour, sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, their consumption must be limited. Food is only measured as a whole grain if the first ingredient on the packing says, 'whole wheat' or 'whole grain’.

According to studies, reducing white bread consumption in the diet is associated with lower gain in weight and abdominal fat (7).

9. You should Make Your Club sandwich Open-faced

An alternative way to limit carbs and calories and lose weight quickly is by making your club sandwich open-faced.

Choosing one slice of bread as an alternative of two will save you 70-90 calories and allow you more room to load it high with healthy toppings like lettuce, avocado, tomato, sprouts. Still hungry? Pair your club sandwich with a side of bell pepper strips.

The fiber and water in the vegetables will fill you up and aid with your weight-loss struggles.

10. Look at Portion Sizes for a healthy weight loss

You don't want to bust out the measuring cups to correctly portion out your food: A portion size of meat is roughly the size of the palm of your hand. Your full fist should be the size of a serving of vegetables (even though the more, the better!).

A serving of fat, such as coconut oil or butter, must be the size of your thumb. Your carb serving would be no greater than what can fit in your cupping hand.

11. Do not forget to Take Your Vitamins

If you're consuming a diet rich in garden-fresh vegetables and fruits, you are getting the needed vitamins and minerals to help lose weight fast.

But it's also a decent idea to take vitamins that can supplement your nutrition; B vitamins (especially B2 and B12) can increase energy. Vitamin D can control your appetite and aid in weight loss (8) and magnesium can trigger lipolysis which is a process in which your body releases fat from where it's stored (9).

12. Keep track of your calories intake

While you have your snack or meal, be assured to take a few seconds to write it down and keep a track of what you ate throughout the day.

Whether you favor the old-school pen-and-journal approach or food applications like My Fitness Pal, record what you are eating can benefit you cut back on calories.

13. Turn off the TV

There's no approach to sugarcoat this: Your TV is making you fatter. It stops you from being active, offers you appetizers, and makes you distracted while eating.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that individuals who ate in front of the TV feed on 10% more than they usually would eat normally (10).

Eating while unfocused disrupts your satiety signals, so shutting off all your electronics while eating will help you stick to your meals and feel full.

14 Mute the Music

Studies have reported that individuals who listened to music consumed more food with an increased meal duration which results in gaining weight (11).

It's best to pay attention to the food while you are eating, which helps you stay focused on the number of calories you are taking in.  

15. Standing at Work

According to a British journal study, one of the stress-free ways to burn some extra calories is to get up from your chair at the office; standing up burns 50 more calories per hour than sitting (12).

If you are blessed to have a standing desk, make certain you utilize it. If not, you can also create your own by loading up boxes on your desk and standing up during work.

Make sure you're having a break every hour to stand up and stretch, and probably go for a walk all over the place of the office. Every little movement counts!

16. Limit your salt intake for fast weight loss

Do you carelessly sprinkle salt on your food without even tasting it first? Stop it! Seriously. Added sodium can lead to puffiness, weight gain, and bloating, which will make your jeans fit tighter (and the number of inches will also increase).

Be sure to look at your labels, too; sodium is naturally present in processed foods, even the healthy ones like frozen meals and canned soups.

According to studies, consumption of sodium is associated with weight gain and an increased salt intake is associated with obesity (13).

17. Go with healthy Nuts for fast weight loss

Simply dropping a few almonds in your mouth might help you shed pounds.

Studies have reported that the intake of almonds is associated with a decrease in body weight in overweight and obese adults (14).

Eating 1.5 ounces of pure almonds a day decreases belly and leg fat. An additional study of overweight adults discovered that persons who ate ¼ cup of almonds for six months consumed a 62% greater drop in weight and BMI.

18. Always Keep Healthier Snacks within your Reach limit

If you have a natural habit of keeping your purse, car, and office desk stockpiled with healthy snacks, you'll be less interested in hitting the vending machine or drive-thru.

Try raw almonds, bananas or eat approved nutrition bars for a filling and nutrient-dense option to feedstuff those hunger pangs.

19. You should often Stop and Smell the natural Fruits

The smell of fresh green apples, pears, and bananas can help restraint appetite and reduce cravings for sugary desserts.

If you have a habit of keeping a fruit basket on your counter, stop and whiff the fruits if you find yourself craving a bit sweet.

20. Always Put Your Phone far Away at Night for fast weight loss

Scrolling over your social media one last time may be an individual’s pre-bed customary, but it can extremely mess with your sleep cycle.

The bright light from your screen can repress melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep. And getting sufficient sleep is important for your total body weight.

A study conducted on large samples reported that individuals who didn't get the suggested 7-8 hours of sleep a night were at a greater risk of gaining weight. An increase in quantity and quality of sleep is required for weight control (15).

One should try to place his phone away 20 minutes before sleep time to avoid light interference.

Abdur Rashid
Medically Reviewed By Abdur Rashid
MSC Public Health, MCSP, MHCPC
BSC (Hon) Physiotherapy
Consultant Neuro-spinal & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist


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